New Year, New Goals…


What is the promise of the New Year for our students?  As we begin the second full year of the pandemic, we know what you expect in terms of safety, but we aren’t able to determine the possible ramifications of this setback for our students.  The New Year rarely brings a “new you” and it rarely produces a “new student”.  However, it can produce new and more informed goals.  Consider the goals that you have for your students as you enter the upcoming reentry.  What are they?  How will they impact learning?  How will they benefit your students?  If these answers are tangible, you are on the right track.  If they are abstract, consider making them tangible.  Consider working towards a goal that you can measure with your students.  We should strive for less of a “New Year, New You” mentality and more of a “New Year, New Goals” outlook on education.  Our return to the building might look different than we expected because of the new variant, but our “goals” don’t have to suffer. 

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