Stumble or Fall....

This blog will be brief, as it’s simple food for thought, or a nugget of wisdom.  Consider this: “When babies take their first step and then fall on their bottoms, we praise them for taking the step.  We don’t criticize their fall.  As adults, this is an essential lesson.  We spend more time criticizing our falls and not enough time applauding our small steps.” ~Unknown
As we begin summer, it is natural to reassess our year as a necessary part of the close out process.  There are several aspects of our profession that we could dissect.  However, it’s equally important to recharge and refuel.  It’s essential to focus on the positive aspects of the school year before looking at ways to alter those areas that weren’t as successful. 
Heal for a moment before working through the difficult parts of the previous year.  In doing so, reflect on what you were able to offer your students and how you enhanced their lives. 
If you introduced a new program, walked the halls of a new school, moved to a new grade level / position or simply changed your room décor, you should take a moment to applaud the “small steps”.  Over the summer, look at ways to celebrate yourself more and criticize yourself less!  You deserve it.