Is there Strength in Exposing Your Weakness?

New teachers enter the profession excited about many things; however the very idea that this year will be the worst year doesnt resonate in their minds.  As a new teacher, my biggest fear was that my students would not listen to what I had to say, but I realized that listening to my words would prove to be less important than demonstrating the skill.  This realization came with time, and many tears.

Early on in my career, I was consumed with print rich environments, student incentives, interactive small groups and covering EVERYTHING on my schedule for that day!  As I matured as a teacher, I realized that I didnt have to get it all done that day.  The kids and their development would help set the pace in the classroom. That became one of my weaknesses: wanting to get it ALL done.  

During a summer program, as I worked with novice teachers, I spent most of my time exposing my weaknesses as a new teacher so that they could become stronger.  I am not sure that many teachers are willing to do this in the most raw and uncut ways. When teachers realize that they are not in that space alone, it helps them grow.  Somewhere along the way, I forgot that and began playing to my strengths, but Im wondering if it would not be more impactful if I went back and revisited the moments when I showed my hand, my weaknesses.  I move in and out of teacher's classes on a daily basis and am amazed at some of the strategies that I see.  However, I am curious if these veteran teachers would also feel comfortable speaking about the areas that they are weakest in?

I present this idea as many teachers are leaving the profession for varied reasons and those of us that choose to stay continue to get stronger, abandoning many weaknesses or converting them into strengths. It makes me wonder if we are teaching our newest colleagues how to do the same. Our greatest strength as veteran teachers is our vulnerability when it comes to the development of others.  

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